621 acres of Brule Country Crop & Pasture Ground

Sale Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Intersection of 369th Ave & 253st White Lake, SD 57383
Real Estate
You will not want to miss this excellent opportunity. When evaluating this land to determine your level of participation make certain to fully appreciate the incredible location of these tracts; highway 16, Intestate 90, US highway 45, and Dakota Southern rail terminal all within minutes.
This property has been in the Thiry family for generations, at no point has there ever been a renter or tenant on any of the land. 2019 real estate taxes $6,478.96
Sold $3,875/acre
Tract 1: 80 ± Acres - This parcel is mostly all nearly level cropland with approximately 74 acres farmable with a crop productivity index of 73. Easy access with a gravel road access to the west side. Legal Desc: North 1/2 of South West quarter of SEC24 103N 67W - 2019 real estate taxes $969.92

Sold $3,475/acre
Tract 2: 78 ± Acres - This parcel is mostly all nearly level cropland with 64 acres farmable with a crop productivity index of 75.8. A creek runs through this parcel and a small hay land in the southwestern corner. Gravel road access on the east side Aurora/Brule county line. Legal Desc: East 1/2 of North East quarter of SEC24 103N 67W - 2019 real estate taxes $979.20

Sold $2,425/acre
Tract 3: 160 ± Acres - This parcel is a mixture of cropland and pasture. There are 35 acres farmable with a crop productivity index of 65. There are approximately 120 acres in pasture including 32 acres of tame grass. Aurora Brule Rural water tap in the northeastern corner. Contains a wetland easement. Gravel road access on the east side. Legal Desc: North East quarter of SEC23 103N 67W - 2019 real estate taxes $1,560.80

Sold $2,650/acre
Tract 4: 158 ± Acres - This parcel is a mixture of cropland and pasture. There are 80 acres farmable with a crop productivity index of 67.6 There are 73 acres in pasture with 28 acres in tame grass and a dugout. Gravel road access on the east side. Legal Desc: South East quarter of SEC14 103N 67W - 2019 real estate taxes $1,572.82

Sold $4,150/acre
Tract 5: 145 ± Acres - This parcel is mostly all nearly level cropland with 145 acres farmable and a crop productivity index of 67. Pave road access on south side and borders Interstate 90 on the north. Legal Desc: South West quarter of SEC11 103N 67W - 2019 real estate taxes $1,396.22

To inspect the property: We invite you to inspect the property at your convenience
Additional Pictures

Auction will be held at the land site at the intersection of 369th Ave & 253st - 25308 369th Ave White Lake, SD 57383.
White Lake - 5 miles west on Old Hwy 16 then 1 1/4 mile south.
Kimball - 7 miles east on Old Hwy 16 then 1 1/4 mile south.
I-90 Exit 289 - 1/2 mile south then 2 miles east then 1 1/4 mile south.
Albert Thiry Trust- Owners
Terms & Conditions:
The acreage amounts have been determined based on information obtained from the Brule County Assessor’s Office and other sources deemed reliable. This acreage will be used in calculating the final sale amount. The fences may or may not, be located on exact property boundary. Any fencing or surveying shall be the responsibility of the buyer. Property will be sold subject to seller confirmation.
Successful bidder shall make a 10% non-refundable earnest money deposit at the conclusion of the auction with the balance due in certified funds at closing on or before Monday March 1, 2021. Possession of the property shall be granted at the time of closing.
Title will be transferred by warranty deed. An owner’s policy title commitment showing merchantable title, subject to easement of record, will be provided and will be available for review at the time of the auction. There are currently no leases in effect on the property. The 2020 and all prior year’s taxes payable in 2021, shall be the responsibility of the seller. Davison-Aurora County Title Co. will manage the escrow and conduct the closing on all transitions
The closing agents’ fee, and cost of owner’s policy of the title insurance, will be divided equally between buyer and seller. All seller mineral interest (if any) transfer with the title. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. Haines Auction Company (license #12589) and their associates represents the sellers only in this transaction.
Haines Auction Company license #12589 represents the sellers only in this transaction.
RE Broker/Auctioneer
SD Lic. #12589
RE Broker/Auctioneer
SD Lic. #3709
RE Auctioneer
SD Lic. #106